This post, "Garden Bloggers Bloom Day for February '08", was written for my blogspot blog called The Transplantable Rose by Annie in Austin.
Once again Carol of May Dreams has sent us out to wander the garden in February, hoping for something in flower. Most signs of spring in my garden are new leaves, like those on cilantro, iris, daylily, ranunculus and anemone or the less welcome leaves of weeds.
The few flowers are almost identical to what I posted last February for the very first GBBD, but instead of three yellow daffodils, this time there are six at once. In closeup the cups have a little orange to the yellow - when we ran into the bulbs while building the shed I relocated them here.
These simple flowers can't be exciting for those of you with large daffodil collections, but any daffodil with enough stamina to not only return but increase in Austin is worth keeping! Can you see the red on the ground to the right of those daffodils? Yes, there were some warm and windy days this week.
Today the camellia has only a few flowers left, with the faded flowers at its feet.
The 'Grand Primo' narcissus blooms in a few places - here waving three heads of small fragrant daffodils near the garden shed in the morning light .
And the same daffodil in the early evening. When I take photos in the middle of the day the sun is so strong it washes out all detail. Now, while the pecan trees are leafless, our back yard is at its sunniest.
At left that 2-year old Pelargonium/geranium keeps flowering on the window shelf, accompanied by two cyclamen plants.
The Coral honeysuckle has put out a new set of leaves with buds ready to open. Blackswamp Kim wants to try this one - I hope it grows for her.
The hanging baskets always have violas and pansies in winter, but each year we meet new faces. I like this little no-name viola in black and violet.
Pam/Digging says her Carolina jessamine has lots of open flowers. The buds on my plant are not so far along as they were a year ago - I had to search for an open flower - these were down low about a foot off the ground.
If I hadn't picked up this 'Bon-Bon Yellow' calendula last month there wouldn't be a single new flower outside - is this a plot to make us buy more plants?
Calendula's use in cooking, the reason for the 'pot' in pot marigold, means this yellow flower belongs with the herbs so it's in a hanging basket near the herb troughs.
Not pictured but blooming are:Osmanthus/ Sweet oliveWhite flowering oxalis and Dark purple oxalis Upright rosemary and prostrate rosemaryLooks like February is still a yellow, white and purple month.Although Carol's invention is now beginning its second year, I was out of town last summer and had no June GBBD post - I'm pretty sure Chuck made the full dozen blooming posts for year one - did anyone else do one every month?
This post, "Garden Bloggers Bloom Day for February '08", was written for my blogspot blog called The Transplantable Rose by Annie in Austin.